Education & Training Funds
The Seattle Police Relief Association has a fund to help members meet the cost of work-related education and training. The SPRA education benefit reimburses tuition expenses up to $300 per member per year. Benefits are payable for courses for which the member pays tuition. Benefits will be paid at the end of each quarter to members who submit an application and evidence of having successfully completed the class or program during that quarter. Active members in good standing are eligible to apply for tuition reimbursement. Applications for benefits are available in the SPRA office.
To apply for Education and Training Fund Benefits:
Upon completion of the class, submit an application along with copies of your certificate of completion, your receipt showing tuition paid, and the city's denial of tuition funding to the SPRA office.
To download the application form, click here.
The Education and Training Fund will reimburse a maximum of $10,000 in tuition for all applicants each quarter. If the number of applications for reimbursement exceeds $10,000 in any quarter, benefits will be paid on a first come, first served basis according to the date applications are received in the SPRA office. Any funds remaining at the end of each quarter will be accumulated until the end of the year and used to reimburse members whose applications were denied during any quarter due to the maximum benefits payable that quarter.
The Seattle Police Relief Association established the Education and Training Fund October 1, 2000.
Please feel free to discuss this fund with any trustee or the SPRA administrative staff.