Death Benefits
Members in good standing of the Seattle Police Relief Association receive a death benefit of up to $5,000.00. This death benefit will be paid to the beneficiary or estate of the member who dies while in good standing, unless the member has selected another option, described below. This death benefit will be paid in one payment, unless otherwise directed by the member and/or the beneficiary.
Active members in good standing are also eligible to receive a one thousand five hundred dollar ($1,500.00) survivor spouse benefit.
Active members: The beneficiary or estate of any person who dies while a sworn officer of the Seattle Police Department (SPD) and an active member of the SPRA will receive a death benefit of five thousand dollars ($5,000.00).
Retired members: Members who have retired from the SPD and who were active members of the SPRA for at least twenty-five years, can choose between Option A or Option B. Both, member and spouse, must sign option selected; if they do not, Option A is the default selection.
Vested members (non-active): A member with a minimum of 15 years’ service as a sworn officer of the SPD who has left employment with the SPD, but has retained dues paying membership in the SPRA, is eligible to choose between Option A or Option B on completing 25 years as a member of SPRA.
Option A. $1,000 cash benefit and continued reduced monthly dues to maintain membership.
Option B. $1,000 cash benefit and termination of membership.
Retired members who have selected Option A may still participate in the medical plans by paying the Plan premium or holding fee, and may also participate in the condo program.